Science Test

Written Activity Science Semester Project
TEKS 7A: model and illustrate how the tilted earth rotates on its axis, causing day night, and revolves around the sun causing changes in seasons.
Questions: 1. Why doesn’t the Earth drift off into space when orbiting the sun.
2. What’s the angle of Earth’s tilt?
3. What causes day and night?
4. Why doesn’t the sun swallow the earth?
5. Why are there seasons?
6. Where position is earth when it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere?
7. What keeps the Earth orbiting?
Facts: 1. Earth rotates around sun because Earth is within proximity of the sun’s gravitational pull.
2. The force acting on Earth is balanced which causes it to stay where it is. (Staying in orbit).
3. While rotating around the sun the seasons change on earth. Ex. If the Southern Hemisphere is experincing warmer weather then it is winter in the Northern Hemisphere.
4. The Earth is tilted at 23.5 degrees from perpendicular to the plane of orbit.

5. When the Earth rotates on the axis, it causes day and night. The side facing the sun is day, and the other half is dark (night time).

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