Month: May 2015
The Importance of Perseverence
In the book “Night” Elie is faced with starvation, beatings, and almost death in the holocaust. There are plenty of reasons that he could have given up instead of pushing through, but he stayed strong, and eventually was freed to live his life. We may not go through as tough of battles as Elie, but we can still grit our teeth to accomplish difficult daily tasks. Persevering is hard, but in the long run it’s worth it. Perseverance is important because it teaches ethics like hard work, and when it is used a reward usually follows.
Perseverance teaches a solid work ethic because there is no giving up when perseverance is in mind. For example, keeping a decent GPA is sometimes very stressful and leads to some late nights every now and then. It may be difficult while the work is being done, but that time spent now is glorified by colleges later. There will also be other things in life that I have to do whether I want to do them or not. So, by sticking through my homework, I’m also teaching myself to stick to your other things in life to be successful. Perseverance is powerful in this way and also teaches people to finish what they start. For example, my little sister tried out for a cheer team and made it. After the first practice, she hated it, but she’s finishing the season because she knows what’s best for the team. This will also carry over later in life and help her with morals as a person. Sometimes, perseverance is not about one particular person but it’s part of a collaborative effort with hard workers, and one person shouldn’t murder the reward for everyone.
Also, when hard work and perseverance are put in, a reward usually follows. For example, my mom goes to work and puts up with daily financial struggles for O&D Manufacturing Company, and works long hard hours. What happens on Fridays every two weeks? She GETS PAID for being there and not giving up on her job. If she were to quit her job, that would not happen. Just like her scenario, benefits tend to almost always follow hard work whether its money or just pure joy. If they didn’t, then what would be the point in pouring your time into difficult endeavors? Perseverance is rewarding, or there would be no purpose.
Whether it be basic life lessons or material items, perseverance provides rewards. For Elie, the reward just happened to be his life. Your reasons for pushing through difficult tasks may be a mile away from his, but perseverance is important because it teaches hard work and morals, and it provides materialistic rewards.
Comparative Poem
Logan Sells
English 1 – 3rd Period
March 5, 2015
You might think I’m just
a fifteen year old boy
with blonde hair
and green eyes
But I know I am more
way more than that
Not a computer or racecar
Not a bag of books or a tree
My life is a symphony
a constant pace-changing symphony
When I’m not living right
and the symphony is played horrifically wrong
When I lie, cheat, steal
I make ugly sounds
I crack pitches
Not only are the rhythms incorrect
but it’s out of tune as well
There’s no connection between movements
It is noticeable
that there is no heart put into the music
But when God comes into my life
The music comes together
as one beautiful sound
The conductor has control
The chords blend in perfect harmony
The moving lines are brought out
That music that is written
before the performer ever looks at it
can now be played how the composer wants it
God’s plan
for me
for everyone
I can choose ugly
or pretty sounds
But I choose
to have beautiful music
Yes, My life will have wrong notes
every once in a while
But through our Lord and Savior
It can sound gorgeous
Cell Phone Effects
Logan Sells
English 1 – 3rd Period
February 10, 2015
Last Saturday, my sister sent me a text message saying, “I’m going to the store.” Then, she walked right past me on her way out, never even looking at me. While texting along, she ran smack into the wall, then looked up to find the door, only to start typing again. Sadly, this type of cell phone addiction is growing. With this behavior in mind, cell phones have affected this world by creating an antisocial barrier and increasing danger in society.
Antisocial barriers have been set up in public and in homes. For example, at nearly every teenager’s dinner table, their parents have scolded them for having their eyes glued to their phones. Much like at the dinner table, people of the world avoid meeting new people and facing awkward situations by playing “Angry Birds ” and “Don’t touch the white tiles” or whatever else the like to do on their phones. Cell phones have brought a whole new level of the I-have-something-better-to-do-than-talk-to-you kinds of attitudes. Instead of getting to know a stranger on the bus, people resort to their phone. This behavior is accepted in society, and becoming extremely common.
Another effect cell phones have had is increased danger in society. Like my sister that texts when she walks, many people text and drive. Although they are the same principle, the second is much more dangerous because where my sister runs into a wall, a driver runs into a car and kills three people in the process. This is not the cell phone’s fault, but the availability makes it possible. Nobody has ever driven a car while operating a desktop that’s sitting in their lap. In this way, cell phones have increased danger in today’s society.
Cell phones are great, but when used for bad, they do exactly that. With these mobile devices becoming more popular, they’re creating an antisocial barrier and increasing danger.
Do extracurricular activities strengthen students’ character?
Throughout Texas, White Oak High School is well-known for its academics. However, it is arguable that it is known just as much for its success in extracurricular activities, and that’s because the students love what they’re doing. These activities are fun to the students who participate, but that’s not all. Extracurricular activities help students improve themselves by giving them motivation to work towards goals and a passion to put everything they have into.
In the lives of students, extracurricular activities motivate kids to try hard and do well. For example, my friend Aaron used to believe that life has no purpose. “You go to school, work, then you die.” However, he’s become heavily involved in band and loves every last bit of it. He wants to now pursue a career in music, so he’s having to pour all of his effort into his euphonium every night in order to perfect his sound and technique. Just like Aaron, other students also have passions in extracurricular activities. When students are dedicated to an activity they love, the hard work and long hours help shape their character. The no-pass, no-play rule involved in these activities also helps students become motivated in the classroom. It doesn’t matter if you’re quicker than lightning, you can’t be on the track team if you’re failing in schoolwork. Therefore, extracurricular activities help students by giving them motivation to work towards goals and pass their classes.
These “extra” curricular activities also give students structure in life and something to love. You see, some students fall in love with their activity of choice, and “extra” starts to seem to disappear from the word extracurricular. Their activity becomes their whole life and all they can think about. They decide that, in one way or another, they want to continue whatever they’re involved in for the rest of their life. This forces students to plan in order to achieve these goals. Music has given me an exciting future to look forward to, but I’ll have to buckle down and grit my teeth a couple of times to get there. Large amounts of hard work through high school will have to be paid to get accepted to college, and then I’ll have to go through said college, studying music. It will be difficult, but now that I have a plan, I won’t face the struggles of jumping in blind-folded without a clue of what I want to do in life. In addition, music has brought a lot of structure into my life, and I’m not as clueless anymore. I definitely feel more secure than before I found myself in music. I’m not the only kid whose life has been changed by these “extra” activities, and that’s a good thing. The organization that these passions cause students to have is incredible. When there is a will, there is a way, and these activities give students a will. Like others, Music gives me a reason to work hard, and so do all other activities that students enjoy.
My friend Aaron’s life has turned around for the better. He has more of a work ethic than before he committed to music. This can happen to all of us if we find the right realm for our souls. I don’t care what it is. Music, sports, theatre, or any other activity that an individual can fall in love with. All of the extracurricular activities have the power to strengthen the character of a person by causing them to push towards what they want and by giving them something to truly love and pour their heart into